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Cwm Taf Public Services Board workstreams

Collectively tackling issues in communities using a Place Based approach

What this means… finding ways for all partners to work together more effectively with residents to identify issues, priorities and potential solutions that will deliver improved outcomes for targeted communities.

Looking at the underlying causes of substance misuse and the public service response

What this means…reviewing the services we provide across Cwm Taf for people with substance misuse problems. The review will consider what we are already doing to help people with substance misuse problems and assess whether this is the best possible way of delivering these services. It will identify changes we need to make to ensure vulnerable people across Cwm Taf are given the best support and treatment services to help them recover from their addiction.

Looking at different ways to manage the demand for child and adolescent services, including mental health

What this means…supporting the development of high quality, accessible and integrated services focused on improving the education, health and well-being of children, young people and families in Cwm Taf.

Developing a digital platform for information about the work of the Public Services Board and public service organisations

What this means…we are putting in place a new website (this site!) which will hold in one place the information from all partners about the Cwm Taf area. This will help to better inform decisions, actions and priorities of the PSB and to help our residents, elected Members and regulators hold the PSB to account.

Developing and nurturing the public service workforce

What this means…growing the workforce of the future, by taking steps to facilitate the education and training opportunities that will develop a skilled and sustainable workforce, better able to respond to the recruitment needs of all employment sectors in Cwm Taf.

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