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Cwm Taf Public Services Board Members

The Well-being of Future Generations Act sets out who must and should be involved in the Public Services Board (PSB)

The Act sets out that the PSB must consist of:

the councillors elected as Executive Leader of RCT County Borough Council and Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council or the elected Mayors;

the head of the authorities' paid service designated under section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989;

either the Chair, Chief Executive or both for Cwm Taf University Health Board, i.e. the local Health Board for Rhondda, Cynon Taf and Merthyr

either the Chief Officer, Chairman or both for South Wales Fire & Rescue Service; and

the Chief Executive for the Natural Resources Body for Wales.

The PSB must invite others to participate on the Board:

Welsh Ministers;

the Chief Constable of the police force for a police area any part of which falls within the local authority area;

the Police and Crime Commissioner for a police area any part of which falls within the local authority area;

a person required by arrangements under section 3(2) of the Offender Management Act 2007 (c.21) to provide probation services in relation to the local authority area; and

at least one body representing relevant voluntary organisations (whether or not the body is known as a County Voluntary Council).

The members of the PSB as at March 2017 are:

Public Body


Cwm Taf University Health Board

Dr Chris Jones – Chair

Allison Williams – Chief Executive

Cwm Taf Social Services and Well-being Partnership Board

Cllr L. A. Matthews

Interlink RCT

Jean Harrington – Chair

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

Cllr B Toomey - Leader

Gareth Chapman – Chief Executive

National Probation Service

Eirian Evans

Natural Resources Wales

Nadia De Longhi

Public Health, Cwm Taf University Health Board

Kelechi Nnoaham

Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council

Cllr Andrew Morgan – Leader

Christopher Bradshaw – Chief Executive

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Huw Jakeway

South Wales Police – Chair

Peter Vaughan – Chief Constable

South Wales Police

Sally Burke – Chief Superintendent - Northern BCU

South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner

Lee Jones - Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner

Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil

Brian Lewis

Wales Community Rehabilitation Company

David Webb

Welsh Government

Richard Baker

To demonstrate its commitment to developing a collaborative public service that puts the people in Cwm Taf at its centre, at its meeting in October 2016, the PSB agreed a statement of intent about how its work would benefit the people who live and work in Cwm Taf now and in the future.

The newly constituted Public Services Board in May 2016.

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