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Information, Communication and Involvement (ICI)

This group replaces the Public Engagement Group (PEG) and has a focus on improving on how the PSB uses information, communicates and involves our citizens and partners in how we work.

ICI produce the PSB newsletter and ensure that the views and voices of our communities are heard in the work of the Board. Some examples of how this has happened so far include:

We have held a number of community events across both areas, asking residents what was important to them and what our priorities should be.

Work is ongoing, through our community connectors - Ceri in Gurnos and Louise in Rhondda Fach - to develop ‘neighbourhood networks’ to help achieve the changes that we all want to see. This has included some of the work to create and improve the green spaces in these communities.

For the first time, we surveyed all of the accommodation businesses and key attractions across both Merthyr Tydfil and RCT. We received 87 responses and these will help to inform how we work with and support the sector, now and in the future.

Watch to find out how young people designed and produced an information leaflet for their peers about risks and how to be safe, and were involved and contributed in the commissioning of substance misuse services in Cwm Taf.

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