Cwm Taf Morgannwg
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Our Data
Growth and sustainable jobs data
Education data
School leavers (pupil destinations survey)
Health data
Preventing poor health and reducing health inequalities - Local Area (2011 LSOA)
Preventing poor health and reducing health inequalities - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Supporting people data
Homes data
Home ownership - Local Authorities
Home ownership - Local Area (2011 LSOA)
Home ownership - Local Area (2011 LSOA) in Communities First Clusters
Home ownership - former county districts
Safer communities data
Reducing road casualities
Reducing the level of crime and fear of crime - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Reducing the level of crime and fear of crime - Local Area (2011 LSOA)
Reduction and prevention of young offending - Local Authorities
Reduction and prevention of young offending - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Equality data
Tackling poverty data
Improving the skills of young people and families - Local Area (2011 LSOA)
Improving the skills of young people and families - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Improving the skills of young people and families - Local Area (2001 LSOA) in Communities First Clusters
Environment and sustainability data
Creating sustainable places for people - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Culture and heritage data
Key economic data
Key economic data - Local Area (2001 LSOA)
Key economic data - Local Area (2001 LSOA) in Communities First Clusters
Key economic data - Former county districts
Key economic data - Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS)
How we work
Our well-being priorities
Thriving Communities
Healthy People
Strong Economy
Tackling loneliness & isolation
Our Shared Priorities
Cwm Taf Population Assessment
Cwm Taf Well-being
Cwm Taf Well-being Assessment
Cultural well-being
Economic well-being
Environmental Well-being
Social well-being