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Cwm Taf University Health Board Public Fora

Cwm Taf University Health Board are keen to involve you in the redesign of their services as well as hear your views on our current healthcare provision.

They hold several public meetings a year across Cwm Taf and you are warmly invited to attend any or all of the meetings below to express your views or ask questions about the topics on the agenda.

Tea and coffee will be provided at all sessions and there will also be an opportunity to talk to senior health board staff at the end of the meetings should you have any other specific issues you would like to raise. 

The agenda items for these meetings include: 
•    Your Health Team – did you know we have a range of health care workers ready to help you when you’re feeling unwell?  Come along and we’ll tell you what’s available.
•    Thoracic Surgery – we want your views on the proposed location of the specialist surgery for chest diseases.
•    Paediatric, Obstetric and Neonate services – we will update you on our latest plans to change how we provide these services in Cwm Taf. 
•    Did you know Bridgend is joining Cwm Taf?  Find out what this means to you and your local community.

More topics may be added nearer the date – please check the website www.cwmtaf.wales for more information or contact Sharon Jeynes on 01443 744839. 

31 July 2018 (Tuesday)
9:30 am to 11:30 am (9:15 am registration)
The Theatre, Canolfan Soar, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8UB
8 August 2018 (Wednesday)
9:30 am to 11:30 am (9:15 am registration)
Studio 3, Rhondda Sports Centre, Gelligaled Road, Ystrad CF41 7SY

13 August 2018 (Monday)
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (13:15 pm registration)
Conference Room, Llanstrisant Leisure Centre, Southgate Park, Llanstrisant CF72 8DJ

15 August 2018 (Wednesday)
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (13:15 pm registration)
Exercise Room, Michael Sobell Sports Centre, The Ynys, Aberdare CF44 7RP 

CTUHB are eager to increase the number of participants at these events, so please bring along your family, friends and colleagues.  

So that they can make the necessary arrangements, please let them know if you require Welsh language translation or other communication support due to sensory impairment.

Sharon Jeynes: sharon.jeynes@wales.nhs.uk
           01443 744839

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