We want the people of Cwm Taf to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet as part of their lifestyle. People who eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers but only around 1 in 5 people in Cwm Taf eat these recommended portions.
Use this tab to find out about our eating and drinking habits in Cwm Taf, how we manage the waste that we produce and how the PSB is working in this sector to achieve its objectives. The data tab will provide more information on this topic.
Seasonal News and articles will be added here during the year.
Thriving Communities The PSB is working with Upper Rhondda Fach and Gurnos residents to build a community that enjoys a healthy lifestyle and can access services and groups that can help with this, such as food banks and community cooking groups. Making use of community gardens?
Healthy People A healthy balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy population. We are promoting healthy behaviours with our staff and citizens and working and working as one public sector to encourage healthy choices when it comes to food and drink, including no added sugar drinks and reducing the amount of fast food we eat.
Strong Economy Our eating habits directly impact on the local economy, particularly leisure and tourism. Leisure, tourism and catering employs around xxxx in the area and attracts many visitors with the food and drink on offer: visit RCT and visit Merthyr
Tackling Loneliness and Isolation ‘Breaking bread’ with someone has long been a way of socialising, and there are many groups offering a social cuppa, or cooking / gardening groups that encourage those experiencing feelings of loneliness or social isolation to get back in to their community.