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Keeping our communities safe and well has never been more important. Here are some links that you may find useful – please let us know if you have anything you would like to add.

Residents in Merthyr Tydfil can find information from their local authority here, RCT residents can click here

Public Health Wales (PHW) and Welsh Government have a joint Coronavirus website containing guidance on various topics.

It sits alongside the PHW own website which is the go-to for public health advice:

Stay at home guidance

Staying well at home

Social distancing guidance


PHW is working hard to offer information, advice and assistance across a range of topics, including businesses, local authority particularly around social care and schools, supporting vulnerable people, rough sleepers and homeless and those at risk or facing domestic abuse and isolation.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB’s #Howareyoudoing Campaign – new website featuring lots of helpful tips and advice on looking after yourself and your loved ones during isolation. Includes information about keeping physically well, staying connected, emotional wellbeing and further support to help others. As the situation continues, new details of support and advice will be updated on a frequent basis so please check back regularly: www.phw.nhs.wales/howareyoudoing  

South Wales Police have a poster showing the latest measures for slowing the spread of the virus and are offering advice for people to avoid coronavirus scams

With everyone being advised to avoid unnecessary travel and social interactions, information from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service about staying well at home can be found here. South Wales Fire and Rescue service are no longer carrying out home visits but have put measures in place in order to still offer advice and guidance via telephone. A home safety practitioner will telephone/email/text the household to discuss options. They are also able to post fire alarms to those in need. If you know of anyone vulnerable who would benefit from this safety check please ring 0800 1691234 or email PAR@southwales-fire.gov.uk  

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have launched a Coronavirus website which provides latest advice on claiming benefit. This will be updated regularly.

Interlink RCT have information on how to volunteer, or receive support yourself here.

Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil (VAMT) have had an incredible response from community members across the borough who are keen to get involved in some way, so if you have any opportunities for these volunteers, please visit the Volunteering Wales website and add your opportunity.

There are also several groups offering help and support across Cwm Taf

Your local Wellbeing Teams are available to help:


Lisa Foster, Community Coordinator Rhondda, 07580 865938, lfoster@interlinkrct.org.uk

Lisa Lewis, Wellbeing Coordinator Rhondda, 07340 708385, llewis@interlinkrct.org.uk

Katy Williams, Wellbeing Coordinator Rhondda, 07515 166024, kwilliams@interlinkrct.org.uk


Deanne Rebane, Community Coordinator Cynon, 07580 869983, Deanne.Rebane@vamt.net

Julie Lomas, Wellbeing Coordinator South Cynon, 07730 436807, jlomas@interlinkrct.org.uk

Samantha Williams, Wellbeing Coordinator North Cynon, 07515 166017, swilliams@interlinkrct.org.uk

Taff Ely

Karen Powell, Community Coordinator Taff Ely, 07580 969970, kpowell@interlinkrct.org.uk

Hannah Furnish, Wellbeing Coordinator Taff Ely, 07730 431859, hfurnish@interlinkrct.org.uk

Aminah Teague, Wellbeing Coordinator Taff Ely, 07515 166035, ateague@interlinkrct.org.uk


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