Keeping our communities safe and well has never been more important. Here are some links that you may find useful – please let us know if you have anything you would like to add.

Your local Community Coordinators are available to help:

Merthyr: Claire Williams, 07580 866547,

Cynon: Deanne Rebane, 07580 869983,

Taff Ely: Karen Powell, 07580 869970,

Rhondda Valleys: Lucy Foster, 07580 865938,

Action Fraud CAB: 0300 123 2040. You can also report fraud online:

Age Connects Morgannwg: You can still contact us by telephoning 01443 490650. You can also email us at

We are likely to receive a high and increasing volume of calls/emails over the next few weeks so please bear with us, we will do our best to call you back within 24 hours of your call.

Nail Cutting Services – Clinics held at:

Age Connects Office, 5-7 Mill Street, Pontypridd – Every Tuesday and Wednesday

Kier Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil – Every Friday

Charges: £15 feet only, £20 hands and feet

Home visits: Available across Cwm Taf

Charges: £22 feet only, £28 hands and feet

Referrals/appointments can be made via the Age Connects main number: 01443 490650 (select option 1).

Alzheimer’s Society Cwm Taf: Telephone support for the elderly and vulnerable including companion calls to check on individuals. Dementia connect service offering personal support for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Contact Kirsty Morgan, 0333 150 34356

Artis Community new autumn timetable of classes taking place via Zoom:

Crafty Cuppas – Mondays 10.30am – 12.00pm cost £3 per session

Adult Dance – Mondays 8pm – 9pm cost £4 per session

Singalong Sundays – first Sunday of every month – Free

All abilities and ages are welcome. For further information tel 01443 490390 or email

A.S.D. Rainbows can offer remote support to families struggling to cope with their autistic /anxious children. They offer support to families, e-mail or ring Adele – 07812102178 Jo – 07872026446

Barod is offering free and confidential advice and support for young people, or anyone worried about a young person regarding drug and alcohol use. Young people can contact the organisation directly: DASPA helpline – 03003330000 or make a referral online at:

British Red Cross: telephone befriending available across Cwm Taf for the over 50’s. Contact Jo on 07710 066858 for more information. 

Carers Wales: Advice and information for carers. Telephone support available Mon and Tuesday, 10am – 4pm, contact Amber Powell 0808 808 7777,

If you have any concerns about the sessions or require assistance registering for a Care for a Cuppa event, please email

Challenging Behaviour Support CIC: support for parents and carers of children with challenging behaviour (with or without diagnosis). Please email or text your name, contact number and area you live to:  or 07562223697. Also connect with them on Facebook

Chatterlines: set up by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Chatterlines is a befriending service available for individuals who are lonely or isolated at this time. Telephone: 01656 753783

Change Step: Telephone advice for older veterans. Contact Roger Lees, 07442 493939 or

City Hospice Bereavement Support: Residents of RCT living within the postcode areas CF72, CF37, CF38 and CF15 are eligible for free bereavement support. A dedicated telephone line has been established and is available Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Tel: 02922 671422 or email:

Cymru Versus Arthritis: For coronavirus and other general telephone enquiries, please contact our helpline 0800 5200 520.

Diabetes UKAccess this care line for information and support for anyone who has been affected by diabetes, contact 02920 668276

Home-Start Cymru: Providing support to families with young children through challenging times. If you would like to know more please contact on the below email address. Also continuing to recruit new volunteers. All will undertake Home-Start training before beginning to support families. Anyone interested in volunteering for Home-Start Cymru can contact us at:

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mind - For more information, please contact  or 01685 707480.

Mind are also offering: Online counselling, contact Wendy - 07399 347 745. Primary care services, contact Rhiannon - 07399 347 744.

Grief Support Cymru work to support a person’s journey of grief in an individual and client focuses approach. Everybody at some stage in their life will encounter a bereavement and period of grief whether it be through a personal lost or through an associated loss. Every journey is unique and individual. Greif support Cymru will support clients through four clear stages of support: 1. Pre-loss. 2. Hands on support. 3. Listening support. 4. Moving forwards support. If you want to access any stage of the service, please ring 01443 440510 or click on the website.

HAFAL will be re-opening their services shortly in Aberaman (Aberdare) and Pentre (Rhondda). As numbers will be restricted an appointment system will be in place. There will be more emphasis on outdoor activities in the garden. They are also continuing to provide telephone support, socially distanced doorstep visits and Teams/Zoom sessions  for arts and crafts, poetry/creative writing and quizzes. . For further information telephone 01685 884918 or email

New Horizons and Merthyr and the Valleys Mind have recently announced their new online Recovery timetable. There are a variety of courses and workshops to choose from that includes managing anxiety, confidence building, resilience skills, anger management and Covid-19 related anxiety. Telephone 01685 881113, email

National Gambling Helplinethis is operating 24/7 as usual, providing information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling. Advisers are available 24 hours a day on Freephone 0808 8020 133 or via live web chat.

Ray of Light Cancer Support: Several groups are open across RCT to carers / families supporting someone with a cancer diagnosis. If you know of someone who would be interested in joining any of the groups please get in touch with Sue on 07971 349703 or email

The Just ASK (Advice, Support and Kindness) project is funded by the National Lottery and each of the courses come complete with a starter pack. Telephone support offers a weekly phonecall to see how people are, and the fortnightly choir is also open to anyone affected by cancer. There is a timetable on the website where you can register to join a group, everything is free including art groups and materials etc.

Samaritans Cymru: New Samaritans confidential support and helpline for NHS and Health and Social Care. Volunteers are available to offer support if you have had a tough day, are feeling worried or overwhelmed or have a lot on your mind and need to talk it through. Call the free helpline on 0800 484055, 7am – 11pm 7 days a week. To speak to someone in Welsh please call0808 1642777

Sporting Memories: New Zoom Clubs will be running every Friday 12.30 – 1.30pm. Anyone is welcome to join in the sessions to chat about sport, play a game or watch a short video clip. There may even be short bursts of physical exercise if suitable! The sessions are ideal for those experiencing isolation, living with dementia or mental health issues as well as those who just want to meet up and have a chat. Joining link:  Meeting ID: 865 563 8501 Passcode: 509315

For more information contact Julie Williams: 07809 467512 or email

Stroke Association have a number of projects, including ‘Community Steps’. This delivers virtual groups for stroke survivors and their carers during this time. A variation of sessions are available including working age group, choir, mindfulness and art. For more information or to make a referral please email or contact Lauren on 07932 265274.

The ‘Stroke Recovery Service’ runs a Zoom session for stroke survivors and their carers on Wednesday mornings to being together those affected by stroke for peer support. The SRS are also still taking referrals to support stroke survivors with information and advice. To get involved, contact Gwyneth on 02920 524421 or

The ‘Here For You’ telephone befriending service is for stroke survivors and their carers, All information about the service and how to refer can be found here

Tenovus Cancer Care: Free nurse-led Support Line will remain open to answer questions from cancer patients and indeed anyone affected by cancer. Our experienced nurses can offer advice on diagnosis, treatment, side-effects, and anything else that’s on people’s minds. Just call 0808 808 1010.

Valleys Steps: Online resources for Mindfulness and Stress Control

Welcome Friends have volunteers who can provide befriending during these difficult times. A match will be made with a volunteer who has undertaken relevant training and is available to support. This may be via the telephone once or twice for a friendly chat. For further information please call Diane on 07788 310445 or email

World Mental Health Day 2020: Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mental Health Forum will host ‘The Big Zoom’ for WMHD 2020. Third sector organisations have come together to produce over 40 free interactive workshops and activities to celebrate WMHD. These sessions will run between 7-15 October.

To book a place please visit The Big Zoom’s Eventbrite page or contact Maria Abson on or 01443 846200.