Rate of domestic burglary per 1,000 people | Local Authority | FY 2014-15
Rate of domestic burglary per 1,000 people |
Rate of domestic burglary per 1,000 people. Police recorded crime data are supplied to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) by the Home Office. Domestic burglaries include burglaries in all inhabited dwellings, including inhabited caravans, houseboats and holiday homes, as well as sheds and garages connected to the main dwelling. The rate was calculated using the previous year’s population mid-year estimate. |
Unit of analysis
Rate (per 1,000) |
Date available
July 2015 |
Frequency of publication
Annual |
Service / policy area
Community safety |
Crime |
Part of
Police recorded crime |
Office for National Statistics (ONS) |
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see website for further details. |
Numerator Title
Number of domestic burglary offences |
Denominator Title
Population (MYE) |
Indicator instance level metadata