Rate of recorded violent crime per 100 people (day-time population) | Local Authority | FY 2009-10
Incidents of violent crime recorded as a percentage of the day-time population |
This is a Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2011 indicator. Population figures are from the Small Area Population Estimates. Base population = (total residential population plus total non-resident workplace population minus total prison population). Violent crime includes a selection of National Crime Reporting System codes used in the British Crime Survey (BCS) where the offence is directly against a person, but excludes driving and less direct actions (like conspiracy or possession of weapons) and also excludes other offences like cruelty/neglect or abandonment of a child, or assault on a constable. Violent crime does include the BCS group titled robbery (which involved the use of violence in the offence), but not sexual offences. |
Unit of analysis
Rate (per 100) |
Frequency of publication
Not a regular publication |
Service / policy area
Community Safety |
Community safety deprivation |
Part of
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) |
Welsh Government (WG) |
Welsh Government (WG) |
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see website for further details. |
Indicator instance level metadata