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Metadata: indicator instance

Rate of recorded violent crime per 100 people (day-time population) | Local Authority | 2005-2007

Name Value
Title Incidents of violent crime recorded as a percentage of the day-time population
Description This is a Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2011 indicator. Population figures are from the Small Area Population Estimates. Base population = (total residential population plus total non-resident workplace population minus total prison population). Violent crime includes a selection of National Crime Reporting System codes used in the British Crime Survey (BCS) where the offence is directly against a person, but excludes driving and less direct actions (like conspiracy or possession of weapons) and also excludes other offences like cruelty/neglect or abandonment of a child, or assault on a constable. Violent crime does include the BCS group titled robbery (which involved the use of violence in the offence), but not sexual offences.
Unit of analysis Rate (per 100)
Frequency of publication Not a regular publication
Service / policy area Community Safety
Subject Community safety deprivation
Part of Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD)
Publisher Welsh Government (WG)
Guidance Welsh Government (WG)
Rights You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see website for further details.

* Indicator instance level metadata